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Enticing Etas

Fall 2008

PE: Hattie Yoo *Fetish* &

      Mina Choi *RAZR*



Name: Christa Lee

Nickname: Hyperion

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: North Potomac, MD

Year/Major: Alumna/Architecture

Big Sister: Amy Darwick *Redline*

Interests: Doodling, forks, epic dreams, singing, cityscapes, sleeping, eating, fat squishy cute things, tree branch silhouettes, food with faces, not sleeping, rain on a sunny day, the colors at dusk

Random Fact: I like to bite people. >:3


Name: Ariel Hsu

Nickname: Esperánte

Ethnicity: Hawaiian-Japanese/Chinese

Hometown: Honolulu, HI

Year/Major: Alumna/Elementary Education, minor in Math

Big Sister: Amy Darwick *Redline*

Little Sister: Tammy Ha *Exíge*

Interests: Vollyball, piano, movies/film, cars, music jewelry, perfume, friends and family, traveling, meeting new people, anything outdoors, Halo!

Random Fact: Even though I'm a math minor, I still use my fingers for easy math. :)


Name: Haena Cho

Nickname: Intricate

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: North Potomac, MD

Year/Major: Alumna/Psychology, Neurobiology and Physiology

Big Sister: Sharon Na *Pandemonium*

Little Sister: Vivian Nguyen *Viridian*, Eden Cho *Venetian*Nancy Vo *Versus*

Interests: Anything that doesn't require too much physical labor.

Random Fact: I like shopping, even when it's for the most insignificant things. I'll take like an hour at CVS picking out handsoap.


Name: Elizabeth Ahn

Nickname: runway

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: Silver Spring, MD

Year/Major: Alumna/Civil Engineering, Finance

Big Sister: JiYun Kim *Posh*

Interests: sleeping, coffee, Desperate Housewives, perfumes, my iPod, baking, traveling, going on designer websites and filling up my imaginary shopping bag

Favorite Quote: "So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains

And we never even know we have the key" -The Eagles Already Gone

Name: Susan Kim

Nickname: Keiko

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: Hanover, MD

Year/Major: Alumna/Information Systems, Psychology, and Marketing

Big Sister: Victoria Phuong *Akyna*

                   (Mu Class, Lambda Chapter - UMBC)

Little Sister: Suh Kwon *DEUCES*

Interests: the number nine, food, anything fun and exciting

Random Fact: currently love yogurt whips


mos def

Name: Kathy Chung

Nickname: mos def

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: Silver Spring, MD

Year/Major: Alumna/Economics

Big Sister: Hana Kim *Script*

Little Sister: Helen Paik *fable*

Interests: traveling, shopping, eating, sleeping, and nice walks on the beach

Favorite Quote: Live life to the fullest.



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